
Our blog is your gateway to expert insights, practical wisdom, and inspirational stories - delving into the symbiotic relationship between physical fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being.

November 30, 2023

Cross-Training: Four Big Reasons Why

We tend to adopt a singular hyper focus when training for an endurance event. We double down on the activity be it running, cycling or swimming—and often take on this perception that that anything else is a distraction stealing precious time that could otherwise boost our fitness in our sport of choice. ...

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November 15, 2023

Osteocalcin: Why This Hormone Matters

During our athletic endeavors—–be it marathons, cycling races, or open water swims—–we often don’t think twice about the health of our bones. Prominent voices out there in the endurance community like Peter Attia MD, stress the importance of getting an annual DEXA (dual x-ray absorptiometry) scan, which measures bone mineral density to diagnose the onset of bone diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis. ...

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September 27, 2023

Burning Questions: What You Need to Know About EPOC

Intense workouts have a remarkable way of making us feel weightless, almost as if we’re floating on a cloud. This sensation is not just due to the rush of endorphins that flood our system during and after the workout—it’s also the result of a fascinating physiological process that unfolds as our bodies return to their baseline state, recuperating from the beneficial stress we’ve subjected them to. ...

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September 20, 2023

Race to Recovery: CBD's Role in Endurance Sports

As athletes seek ways to optimise their performance and well-being, the conversation surrounding CBD’s potential benefits becomes increasingly relevant and important. Can CBD find a legitimate place in sports recovery? ...

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September 1, 2023

Lactate Management from Start to Finish

The claim that warming up before a race is beneficial is an absolute no-brainer. We’re not here to tell you that. But our exploration here is a personal one—a diabolical recount from a recent race performance from one of the team at Fuel & Fortify. ...

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August 21, 2023

Why It's Worth Mastering Mindfulness

In endurance sports, the adage holds true: mental fortitude often outweighs physical prowess. And as events extend in duration, the significance of psychological aptitude magnifies. But how do we cultivate our mental faculties? ...

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August 8, 2023

Unveiling the Pros and Cons of Low Carb

The world of endurance sports is a realm of continuous exploration and experimentation, where athletes are often their own ’lab rats’—experimenting on every marginal gain out there. ...

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July 27, 2023

Why Core Strength Must Be a Priority for Runners

While many runners focus on improving their leg strength and cardiovascular endurance, they often overlook the importance of core strength. A strong core is the foundation of efficient running and can significantly enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. ...

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